Love Is Where You’ll
Find Me
by Yvonne Goodyear Bienvenu

No mother dreams of having to say goodbye to her children, and yet this was Yvonne’s reality at only 34 years old. Determined to leave a legacy of love for her three young children, she set out to write something they could look back on for generations. These are her words— her love and wisdom a guiding light, fulfilling her promise to be with them through every step of life’s journey.

the book
We are excited to announce that Love Is Where You’ll Find Me is finally available!
While Love Is Where You’ll Find Me was written as a personal tribute to Yvonne’s children, it resonates with anyone who has ever loved deeply and faced loss. This book is more than just a poem – it's a heartfelt reminder that love endures, even in the face of loss, and that the bonds we share with those we love are never truly broken. It is an enduring story about the goodness of God’s Love.
the story
In September 2021, at the end of an arduous battle with cancer, my beloved friend and fellow artist requested my help to edit a poem she was writing and illustrating for her children. Due to her physical decline, this very special project remained unfinished after her death in January 2022. As a daughter living without an earthly mom myself, I prayerfully considered how I could see to it that her children and family had this very special gift. So, I embarked on the long and emotional journey to edit, design, and publish her message. Although I have been designing for two decades, I have never had a client whom I desired to please as much as her, one who was also not here to provide direction and support throughout the process. It was a beautiful, healing, and hard process – like all good things in life.
In May 2023, I was able to produce a copy for her children and husband for Mother’s Day. Only a few short weeks later, Yvonne’s mom, Ellen, also passed away. Thankfully, the family was able to share Yvonne’s book with her before her passing. Together, with the support of a few friends and family members, I have finally published Yvonne’s loving and steadfast words for all to have. What an honor it was for me to see this through!
So live your life in Love and prayer and work to do His will, until you join her once again in Perfect Love fulfilled.